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Common Questions about Back Pain Relief

Back pain can be very frustrating and it can also keep you from doing a lot of the things you want to do in life. You may have stopped some hobbies due to pain or even changed to a different line of work. If you're in the Durham, NC, area and looking for a chiropractor to help with sciatica or other back pain issues, we at South Square Chiropractic are here for you. Here are a few questions we might get regarding back pain.

What Causes Back Pain?

There are a lot of different reasons you might be experiencing back pain. An accident or injury is a common reason for pain in your back. You might also have pain if you have a chronic condition such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease, causing your discs to wear down and become thinner over time.

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatica is a term for the condition caused by a pinched, irritated, or inflamed sciatic nerve and the pain that the condition causes. This nerve originates in your lower back and travels to your foot. When it's aggravated, it can cause back pain, along with radiating pain down the back of your leg.

Is Upper Back Pain or Lower Back Pain Serious?

Both upper back pain and lower back pain can be serious because of the effect it can have on your life and one isn't necessarily worse than the other. The issue to consider is what's causing the pain and how to correct it. The goal of a chiropractor is to make sure the root cause of the pain is addressed so you can feel better again.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Treat Pain?

Chiropractic care may help treat pain in your back by gently realigning your spine and joints. When everything is in its proper place, there may be less discomfort and a better range of motion. We can also provide corrective exercises, soft tissue mobilization, and more to help you get relief from your pain.

Get Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor Near You for Upper Back Pain, Lower Back Pain, and Sciatica

If you're in the Durham, NC, area and looking for a chiropractor to help with pain in your back, contacting us at South Square Chiropractic is the right choice. We're here to help you feel more like yourself again and hopefully experience a better range of motion with less pain. Call us at (919) 490-5400 to get chiropractic care from a chiropractor near you for upper back pain, lower back pain, and sciatica.


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