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Top 5 Signs You May Have Slipped Discs

Millions of people experience back pain that significantly impacts their day-to-day lives. While back pain can stem from several causes, one frequent cause of back pain is a slipped disc. This condition can make even the simplest tasks challenging or impossible to complete. Learn about the five most common signs indicating you have a slipped disc and how South Square Chiropractic in Durham, NC, can treat it below.

Pain Radiating Down One Leg

One of the most recognizable symptoms of a slipped disc is pain radiating down one leg. Also known as sciatica, this symptom often originates in the buttocks and travels down the back of one leg. Some people even have pain in their feet due to a slipped disc.

Pain Worsened by Certain Activities

People with slipped discs typically experience worsening pain when performing specific activities. Bending forward, twisting, lifting heavy objects, and prolonged sitting can intensify discomfort. Conversely, lying down or changing positions may provide temporary relief.

Sudden Onset of Sharp Pain

While slipped discs usually develop gradually due to wear and tear, sharp and sudden pain may indicate a herniation. This pain tends to be localized to one side of the body, and some people may experience severe pain that hinders mobility. Others have pain that comes and goes with sudden periods of intense pain.

Numbness or Tingling

Numbness or tingling in the arms, hands, legs, or feet may signal you have a slipped disc. Herniated disc material often presses against nearby nerves, causing tingling or pins and needles sensations. Some people lose sensation in affected areas like the back, buttocks, legs, arms, and hands.

Muscle Weakness

Another frequent symptom of slipped discs is weakness in specific muscles, especially the arms and legs. Disc material compressing the nerves often affects the control of muscle function. People with this condition may have difficulty gripping objects, walking, or performing other daily activities that require strength and coordination.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Our chiropractor can utilize several techniques and therapies to manage pain and restore disc alignment. We will create a personalized treatment plan that may include spinal adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and lifestyle recommendations. These treatments help reduce inflammation, improve spinal alignment, and support overall musculoskeletal health to prevent future injury.

Get Lasting Back Pain Relief Today at South Square Chiropractic

Slipped discs can cause immense pain that significantly impacts your daily life, so contact South Square Chiropractic in Durham, NC, to get effective treatment today. Call us and schedule a consultation at (919) 490-5400 to achieve lasting pain relief with chiropractic care.


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